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I’ve been spoiled for choice for blips today, but in the end I couldn’t resist this. I don’t do much with bedding plants – I’m far too lazy to grow things that need regular attention – but I do love these daisies; this one is called ‘Blue Eyed Beauty’. It’s supposedly reasonably hardy, but I only planted it this morning and it already looks consumptive – another reason for posting it now, because if it’s thinking of turning up its toes this may be the only chance I get.

My second choice, a bee drinking from a tayberry flower, has gone in as an extra, though on any other day it would probably have been the blip because I’m tickled pink with it. It’s the first time I’ve managed to capture a reasonably focused image of a moving creature with the extension tubes, and though it’s nowhere near the standard of some of the insect shots I see here it encourages me to keep trying!

I’ve also put a couple of lizard shots on Flickr, if reptiles are your bag. I disapprove on principle of live animals in pet shops, but when we called into one this morning for some dog food CH spotted the lizards in a tank, and to my untutored eye they look healthy enough – they’re also quite expensive, which should discourage impulse purchasers. I thought they were rather handsome.

The lizards were taken with the 85mm (I’m still loving this lens!), and both shots on here were taken with the 85 plus a 31mm extension tube.