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Firstly, thank you so much for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts on yesterday’s silliness – it really did feel like my birthday!

Early this morning R called upstairs to me “Where’s your camera? There’s a woodpecker on the wall!” I scrambled, and just had time to change lenses, kneel down at the open window and take a couple of shots before he flew away (I know it’s a male because of the red flash in his moustache). Sadly I hadn’t had time to turn the lens stabilisation on and they’re a little soft, but the better one has gone in today as an extra.

It then rained heavily all morning, but when it cleared a little at lunch time I went out looking for a flower photo for the Flower Friday challenge. I only managed half a dozen shots before the rain started again; this soggy nemesia is R’s favourite, and mine is the Gloire de Dijon bud below. Both were taken with the 21mm extension tube on the 85mm lens.