Hover fly

Oh, my days – I am so sick of rain. I slept late this morning, for the simple reason that it didn’t get light until nearly 9am, and when I got up it was to the discovery that it had poured all night, and even more of the garden was under water than yesterday. I scuttled around the house for a while, trying to catch up with the morning’s domestic schedule, and then squelched out in search of a photo.

I was concerned to find that yesterday’s bee was on the same viburnum leaf as yesterday, and looking very much the worse for wear. At some point he’d woken up and turned round, but had failed to get under cover before the night’s deluge, and he was now slumped on his leaf, wet through, and with his head down and his antennae tucked right in under his body. Knowing that if he was still alive it probably wouldn’t help to put him through the stress of moving him somewhere warmer, and if he wasn’t there was no point doing anything at all, I left him where he was and went off to Broadway with R to have coffee and do some shopping. While we were out the sky cleared and the sun came out, and when we got home Melecta albifrons had gone. I hope his experience might have taught him a valuable lesson about the current Worcestershire weather.