
Sadly, the lovely spring weather of the past two days gave way to rain again today, and it was so cold that not even the plumpies were prepared to venture out of their shelters. R and I went to Stratford this morning with a substantial shopping list, because we’re preparing for the arrival of our entire crew on Friday, and I need cooking ingredients in advance of our regular supermarket delivery on Saturday. It’s highly probable that coffee and cake were also consumed.

This afternoon the difference in our approaches to life became apparent: R thinks, We’ve got visitors coming, so I’d better de-cobweb this room, and I think, We’ve got visitors coming, so I’d better try to make the garden look a bit less awful. So while he used an industrial quantity of disposable fluffy dusters around the house, I planted up some foxgloves (an enterprise best described as a triumph of hope over experience) and salvia, and added another pot of poppies to the patio. Then I rushed to the Post Office with a baby gift, stopping on my way out of the house to take some quick photos of these appropriately autumnal wallflowers, before tackling a couple of hours of domestic admin on the computer.

Cake aside, it wasn’t in any sense a satisfying day, but I can at least congratulate myself on having achieved quite a lot.