
posted in: Flowers and plants | 0

Though it was bright this morning, it was so windy in the garden that I had to bring this potted anemone into the conservatory and shoot it there. What I lost in light level, I more than regained in the ability to use a slow shutter speed, and a significant reduction in faffing and frustration tipped the balance strongly in favour of the indoor shoot.

This afternoon B brought his mother over from Wales for an overnight stay, and R and I had a lovely time chatting to them both and playing with the Boy. And though the swing R and I spent several hours constructing yesterday afternoon and this morning was rejected on the grounds of being “too scary”, we remain relaxed and confident (-ish) that in due course he’ll come to enjoy it.

Eating a banana for ‘afters’ at dinner time, B was experimenting with different ways of saying its name, and amused himself greatly by coming up with “banany”. I said, “You’re a banany!”, and he immediately pointed at me and replied “You’re a banany!” – the first time any of us had ever heard him turn a joke back on the joker. As anyone with experience of small children knows well, they consider repetition to be the soul of wit, so “You’re a banany!” was repeated to the point at which it was a bit of a struggle for the grown-ups to keep finding it funny, but it seemed like a significant development, so we kept the amusement going until one of us managed to deflect the conversation onto a new topic.