Pre- Mono Monday: Curve

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This is a pre- Mono Monday reminder: tomorrow’s topic is Curve. After thinking about curves for a while I decided a couple of days ago that the sensuous curves of one of my oriental poppies would be today’s blip. I … Continued


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Today has been a pretty full day. We took the dogs to Stratford this morning for their biweekly bath and brush, then I spent the afternoon clearing another section of the pear tree bed. It was full of rocks, and … Continued


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It appears that there’s someone around here who simply can’t resist a black steel hydrangea, because another one turned up yesterday. It’s called ‘Blue Ball’ – though I doubt it will be very blue in my alkaline soil – but … Continued

Lady Hillingdon

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Not to be confused with Henry Uxbridge, two miles down the road, who was the commander of the heavy cavalry at Waterloo and who, despite having his leg shot away by a cannon ball, survived the battle and lived to … Continued

Cat’s eye view

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This is really more of an Irish wolf hound’s eye view, if I’m honest. The cat had been taking photos for about an hour, and by the time she reached this field of barley her middle-aged knees were giving out, … Continued


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All today’s photos are of my aquilegias. The main image and second extra are extension tube shots, and the first extra was an attempt at one of the directional light shots that Miranda1008 does so wonderfully well – it didn’t … Continued

Mono Monday: Sharp

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When life gives you lemons….. Preserve some of them for using in tagines and such, and make the rest into marmalade. Job sorted. Oh blimey – I’m late, as ever. Where did half term disappear to??