I know that you were worrying about us all night, so I’ll put you out of your suspense: the Ocado man trekked heroically to our door this morning with much food, and more wine – though he said that he’d struggled to get here, and had no confidence at all that the rest of his day was going to work to plan, so we were probably lucky to have had an early delivery slot. Three cheers for everyone who’s been working through this weather.
I’ve spent most of the day in Lightroom, and deserve no cheers – R even did my bird and hedgehog feeding runs today – though I may have to award myself a lie down in a darkened room, as most of what I’ve been processing are images from Iceland, and I’m now almost cross-eyed from staring at snow.
Speaking of which, here is another photo of a pheasant against the snow in the garden – but really, if you have a snowy garden, and you have a pheasant, watchergonadoo? They stand out so beautifully, and look so very incongruous in this environment, that I just can’t resist.
A slow thaw seems to be setting in now, and I’m cautiously hopeful that tomorrow I may be able to go out to play. If I’m disappointed, a tantrum will probably be thrown.