Emerald Swallowtail

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Butterflies. Tricksy little blighters. As my garden seems to be butterfly-free at the moment and I have butterfly envy from the great shots I keep seeing posted, I had the bright idea of going to the Stratford Butterfly Farm today, … Continued

Mono Monday: Line

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This is the last call for entries for this week’s Mono Monday, whose theme is Line.I’ve taken about a gazillion photos today, and binned almost all of them. This is the one that speaks most clearly of lines – it’s … Continued

Pre- Mono Monday: Line

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Here is your pre- Mono Monday heads up: the theme this week is Line. This is a Southern white-faced owl, photographed in Stratford-upon-Avon this morning. Not very liney, did you say? Possibly not, but I don’t get to photograph owls … Continued


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I’ve no idea what kind of spider this is but I like its humbug-striped abdomen, and I was pleased to have caught a sharp image of it on an Iceberg bloom, using the 21mm extension tube on the 50mm lens. … Continued


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On a day when there has been so much truly dreadful news from around the world, this seemed the most appropriate of my flower images to post. The Peace rose was first cultivated in 1935 by the horticulturist Francis Meilland … Continued

Tranquil Warwick

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R had to go for a scan on his poorly knee today, and as I’m now free (FREE!!!) from exam duties, I chauffeured him over to Warwick. It’s possible that an offer of lunch may have been involved in the … Continued


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Well, this is odd. On reading that the topic for Wide Angle Wednesday this week was Floral, my first thought was, “Well, that is going to be a challenge.” I wouldn’t normally ever use a wide angle lens to photograph … Continued

Another honey bee

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It’s a mystery to me how this poor bee was managing to function at all, covered in pollen as she was and with her pollen baskets so huge and heavy. But she carried on gamely buzzing the peony flowers to … Continued

Mono Monday: Soft

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This shallow dof shot of some lavender is the last call for entries for this week’s Mono Monday challenge, whose theme is Soft. The extra is for Cesani, who requested more squirrel blips. This little chap was quite nervous, as … Continued

Pre- Mono Monday: Soft

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This is your pre-Mono Monday reminder: a soft-focus shot of a soft dog. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the theme this week is Soft. I’m still trying to catch up on a load of chores that have built up over the past few … Continued