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It’s a funny old game, this gardening lark. I planted this Deutzia x kalmiiflora back in 2001. In the intervening years it has grown, quite slowly, to a medium-sized shrub – but it has always looked scrubby and unimpressive, even … Continued

Fuzzy cat blip

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I felt I was letting the side down, here at Granny’s Camera Club. It’s too long since I posted a fuzzy cat photo. So here you have a fuzzy furry cat. Ignore the apple blossom bokeh if you would – … Continued


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I took this shot (and about a dozen others) when I got home from work this afternoon – hand held, because I decided that it was too awkward to get a tripod into the heavily-planted bed where the lilac lives. … Continued


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So, the voting is over in the General Election, and if the exit polls are right I’m set fair to be furious for…. probably about the next five years. But as this is the home of niceness on the web, … Continued

Wide Angle Wednesday: Time

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Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be dying. The glorious lamp of heaven the sun, The higher he’s a-getting, The sooner will his race be run, … Continued


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Taking a head-clearing photo walk around Chipping Campden this afternoon after running an exam, I got several shots that I like – but this one pleases me most. It’s the roof, gables and chimneys of the West Banqueting House of … Continued

Mono Monday: Star Wars

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Yoda shuddered slightly as he determinedly dragged his gaze away from Han Solo’s trousers. He had always known, of course, the Solo was not of the bon ton – his peculiarly stilted delivery of a poorly-written line of dialogue was … Continued


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Where are you, ladybirds?? And after I gave you a nice little wooden house to overwinter in! Time to wake up and do some work now, you ungrateful things… For those of you who are now itchy, please avert your … Continued


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Whenever I see wisteria I’m reminded of the Stanley Baxter line in his skit on Gone with the Wind: “Wisteria on the outside, and hysteria on the inside” – delivered in an appalling mock-Southern drawl, while dressed as a Colonial … Continued