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Firstly, thank you so much for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts on yesterday’s silliness – it really did feel like my birthday! Early this morning R called upstairs to me “Where’s your camera? There’s a woodpecker on the … Continued


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Who’d have thought?? When I started this journey a year ago, all I was trying to do was to make myself use the camera every day, in the hope that I would thereby become a better photographer. When I look … Continued

Emergency sky blip

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This is number three in my series of Wednesday evening, post-choir, “I’ll just have to hope there’s an interesting sky on the drive home” blips. The village is called Aston-sub-Edge – cunningly named for the fact that it’s the eastern … Continued


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I blipped my grandmother’s peony as a bud a few weeks ago, and I thought you might like to see it again in all its blowsy glory, catching the last of this evening’s sunshine. I think it probably qualifies for … Continued

Mono Monday: Hitchhiker’s Guide

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“No, don’t move….. you’d better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.” “What’s so unpleasant about being drunk?” “You ask a glass of water.” The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams (1952-2001) As soon … Continued

Squirrel blip Sunday

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Wait a minute… is that right? It doesn’t sound quite right somehow. Oh well, never mind – he’s here now. I can’t even claim that this is the only photo I got today – when I uploaded to the computer … Continued


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I’ve been spoiled for choice for blips today, but in the end I couldn’t resist this. I don’t do much with bedding plants – I’m far too lazy to grow things that need regular attention – but I do love … Continued


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A couple of weeks ago my next-door neighbour gave me nine seedlings of Cerinthe major which she had pulled out of her garden, warning me that it self-seeds so prolifically that once you have it you’ll never be without it. … Continued